Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Trip to the Mountains

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to go with 5 Mexicans on a week long mission trip up into the mountains. We went to help work on a Mexican coworkers' house there.
While we were there we were able to meet some of the indigenous believers and fellowship with them at church on Sunday. This is a very young church. I think the first believer believed last year maybe. They are all new believers, but are growing and maturing little by little! God is doing His work in them.
I have collected updates from coworkers Matt & Starr from the last few months to show you what God is doing in their area.

Matt and Starr and the others on the missionary team are working together to disciple believers Juan and Cleotilde.
“They are growing and are a huge encouragement,” Matt wrote. “Starr and I are also trying to provide teaching for the other believers who aren’t faithfully attending the study with Juan and Cleotilde.”

For 400 years the indigenous people have known the name and story of Jesus – but it isn’t the same Jesus recorded in the Bible.
The one they know about never really died, so he never really rose either.
“Which means "their" Jesus never paid in full the price to bring mankind back to God from his slavery to sin and death,” wrote missionaries Matt and Starr Arnold.
This makes the actual death of Jesus a key issue.
And after 36 Bible lessons, Starr Arnold and her co-worker, Shirley, were ready to present the truth of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection to two women, Shipa and Rupa. And the women were ready to hear.
“Shipa walked the two miles last week to hear about this Jesus, although she was sick enough to stay in bed.” wrote Matt. And she was in bed for two days after the lesson.
As Starr & Shirley read from the Bible how Jesus had died, Shipa gasped. This was not the Jesus that she had heard about. Later, when she heard that Jesus rose, she sighed and smiled. Truth dawned on her face.
When asked if she believed that Jesus died in her place, her response was, “How can I not believe?”
Rupa had the same reaction. She also gasped when she heard that Jesus had died and sighed with a smile of relief when she heard He rose again.
“Later, she gave clear testimony of understanding that she is a sinner and that Jesus died for her,” wrote Matt.

Missionaries have set in motion the plans to hold the first baptism later this month. (this week sometime) Three believers Juan, Cleotilde and Marcelo were the first to ask to be baptized. This is a huge step for them and will identify them as Christians to the entire village. Pray that others will decide to join them.
The churchplanters have asked the believers from a neighboring tribe to be involved in the baptism. The neighboring tribe's church elders will come over the mountains to baptize their brothers and sister in Christ.

Last week 18 indigenous ladies showed up for a women’s meeting. Starr taught them that Jesus is God’s Son and that He was also the Creator. She then taught that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is their Savior.
A number of believers shared their belief in God’s Son. There are several women attending who have not yet trusted Christ. Pray that they will continue to come and hear God’s truth.
The men’s discipleship class began the week before. Three indigenous believers and coworkers Matt and Kevin met for three hours. Two other believers will return for the meeting this week. Pray that these five men will continue to grow and will become church leaders.

These are some prayer requests that they have asked to be prayed for. It is so exciting to hear how God is working and to be able to see it happen!

Pray that one by one, these indigenous people will not only come to know Jesus, but share the Gospel with their neighbors.

Pray that the churchplanters will clearly and patiently continue to teach the truths of Scripture, dispelling long-held myths and deceptions. And pray also for the listeners, that they will come to believe and trust in the one true Jesus.

Pray for safety of the neighboring tribe's elders as they travel for the baptism and for a good time of fellowship with their brothers and sister in Christ. Pray also for the believers as they identify with Christ in baptism, and that other believers would follow them in baptism.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

I'm Back

Sorry it's been a while. Due to travelling, transition, moving temporarily & looking for a place to live I have not been able to have internet connection & I have not taken the time to update you. Look for a nice long post tomorrow Lord-willing.

And pray that I might be able to find a place to live. There has been no openings to live with a Mexican family in their home - rent a room - so I am looking into renting a small house in a central location - close to church & people from the church, friendly neighborhood, etc. We'll see what God opens up!