My sister came to visit me in Mexico! I'm so excited to be here with her. Today was our first complete day together. We were tired, so we slept in a little bit! Then she went to work with me and helped out a bunch!

The two Chapman girls in Mexico.

Elisabeth stayed busy folding little reading booklets. We were able to find & download graded readers in Spanish for the Spanish Dept. They gave me the job of getting them folded, and ready. There are tons! I've been working little by little each day while I watch a movie, etc, but it just wasn't getting done fast enough. Elisabeth & one of the Spanish teachers, Danny, helped me out today and we made a huge dent in the pile.

I stayed busy trying to keep the printer caught up with their folding & assembling while trying to revise some grammar sections of the current Spanish lessons.

In the early evening, we went to a local park to enjoy the trees, grass, and water! It is a cool, refreshing, and fragrant place where you forget you're living in a crowded city in the middle of a desert! It was nice.

After walking around a while, we stopped to get some freshly made juice. The choices were: beet, carrot, alfalfa, cactus, pineapple, orange, and maybe one other flavour. These are what I remember. Needless to say, we had orange juice. It reminded us of the freshly squeezed orange juice that we used to drink in Panama. It's stuff you just don't get in the US.

Although it's a little late, there were a few roses left in full bloom. They smelled so beautiful.
It was a nice first day together!