Monday, April 24, 2006

Into Spanish Fulltime

My schedule got rearranged a bit last week! So, they had me attend Spanish class on Thursday & Friday. This week, however, I will start Spanish fulltime. I'm required to get in at least 8 hours a day. That's between classtime, review time at home, listening to recordings for pronunciation & vocabulary, working one-on-one with a Mexican language helper, & hanging out with friends, etc. I don't think it will be so hard once begin to know more Mexicans.
There will be more pictures on this blog in another week or so, hopefully. My camera went bad so I'm having to get another one. Sorry for the lack of pictures. I have wanted to share Mexico with you a bit more, but it will have to wait until I get I get the new camera.

Creative way to meet the neighbors

But, I would not suggest it!
Friday morning I was ready to go to class before it was time to leave so I decided to go outside to water the plants (that I've been forgetting). I closed the door behind me so the cat wouldn't get out & watered all the plants in the fenced-in patio. I put the hose away and turned to go back into the house. Horrified I immediately realized that I had locked myself out. The front door only opens from the inside, and the side door and the car gate & the people gate were all locked! I was stuck in the middle. Allison (the missionary whose house I am watching) had warned me about that exact thing & also let me know that another missionary family down the street had an extra set of keys. However, they work at the missionary school & I thought that they would probably have left already for school. Anyway, I called out the neighbors and the grandma, Josefina, came out in her pajamas with a little boy. I introduced myself, explained my situation, laughed with them, and asked if one of them could go down to the other missionary family to get the spare keys. They were so kind. (The grandma told me about the time she got locked in the back "yard" with her grandchildren a few months ago. They were stuck for several hours until Allison came home & heard them calling out for help in the back.) Josefina went back inside, got dressed & went to get the keys! The missionary lady's class at school doesn't start until later in the morning, so she was still at home.
So, I was able to meet two new people that day - Josefina & Esther Poirot. I thanked the Lord because I would have been stuck for a long time. He was in control the whole time. And, I ended up not even being late for class!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Spanish Evaluation

I had my Spanish evaluation on Monday with one of the teachers in the Spanish Language School. I think it went well. She was able to get me to the areas where I have problems communicating. Tuesday they were analyzing the evaluation, so I guess Wednesday I should be able to hear how it went & how I will fit into the program. I suppose that next week I will start classes - this week is all cultural excursions!

Cultural Excursions

My first week here in Mexico my assignments are to go on cultural excursions planned by one of the teachers at the Language School. Yesterday, Ada, a local Christian Mexican girl about my age, took me around the city to get better oriented. We went all the way through the city to the south & climbed a hill to where there is a lookout over the city. I was able to see landmark buildings - the old cathedral, the university, the congress, the large hotels, the museums & kinda get to know the city from a bird's eye view! We then went to see the cathedral - I think it's the oldest building in the city - built around 1738 if I remember right. We got to tour the Museum of Sacred Art below the cathedral. It was basically a bunch of 1700's painting of Jesus's life & death & resurrection. And, the chair that Pope John Paul II sat in when he came to the city!! :)
Today I went with Ada again to see the caves located in the mountains NE of the city. Supposedly they are linked to the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.
Tomorrow in the morning I will be going grocery shopping with a Mexican lady. Then, in the afternoon I hope to be able to visit an local orphanage where I might be able to get involved helping with the kids! That would be a great place to work on Spanish!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

In El Paso

Nicole & I made it safely to El Paso yesterday! The trip went really well. Thanks for praying.
It was really interesting to watch the land change from green, wooded to hilly to scrub to desert to mountains. That made the 10 hours pass a little faster!
Nicole flew back to DFW this morning, and I'll be leaving with Harold & Sue Middleton in a few hours to cross the border into Mexico.
Last night after we got here to El Paso, we were able to have supper with some friends of a friend. Praise the Lord, now I have some friends in El Paso & a place to hang out when I come back up to the border!
God is so good!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Concerned Mothers want to Know!!

For all those of you who are concerned about me driving down to Mexico by myself - you can breathe a sigh of relief! Nicole Hager, TBC's mission pastor's wife, is driving with me to El Paso on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, I will be driving into Mexico with another missionary family who will help me cross the border, etc. They'll be with me all the way and there will be a bed waiting at the place I am housesitting for the next three months!

Please pray for the border crossing & just the whole trip. It'll be 15hrs of driving & I've never done so much where I'm the driver most of the time.

A New Car!

Well, new for me! The Lord has provided a car. He went before me & prepared the way! He had a car waiting for me. I went to visit a local dealer this week who knew I was looking for a car to use for my ministry in Mexico. To make a long story short, the car I liked had been on the lot for a while, so he let me pay what I was able to pay for the car instead of what he was asking for the car! It was as if the Lord said, "This is your car, Rachel." It was exactly what I had been praying for! Isn't He awesome! And, one week before I leave, too. The dealership is rushing the registration so that I will have it in time to leave. The Lord took care of all the details!