Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Cultural Excursions

My first week here in Mexico my assignments are to go on cultural excursions planned by one of the teachers at the Language School. Yesterday, Ada, a local Christian Mexican girl about my age, took me around the city to get better oriented. We went all the way through the city to the south & climbed a hill to where there is a lookout over the city. I was able to see landmark buildings - the old cathedral, the university, the congress, the large hotels, the museums & kinda get to know the city from a bird's eye view! We then went to see the cathedral - I think it's the oldest building in the city - built around 1738 if I remember right. We got to tour the Museum of Sacred Art below the cathedral. It was basically a bunch of 1700's painting of Jesus's life & death & resurrection. And, the chair that Pope John Paul II sat in when he came to the city!! :)
Today I went with Ada again to see the caves located in the mountains NE of the city. Supposedly they are linked to the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.
Tomorrow in the morning I will be going grocery shopping with a Mexican lady. Then, in the afternoon I hope to be able to visit an local orphanage where I might be able to get involved helping with the kids! That would be a great place to work on Spanish!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Too cool... Did you get to visit that orphanage? That sounds like a great opportunity! I'm so jealous of all the adventures you're getting to go on! Woohoo! love,katie