Our family - before we parted ways at the airport.
My parents & brother arrived in Papua New Guinea just over two weeks ago and are settling in pretty well it seems.
It'll be probably two years until we are together as a family - when Josh comes back for college.
What a wonderful photo for your family. the 2 years will fly!! Glad you were able to see them and spend time with them before they left. I know you will miss them.
Love you and praying for you Rach!!
Thank you for the picture of all the Chapmans in one place at one time! Grateful we have Elizabeth here in Texas for a while longer. We pray for all of you, and love the emails and blogging! Adventures galore and a bountiful harvest of souls are our fervent desire.
Two years does seem long now, but a mere thought compared to the eternity you will all enjoy together.
So glad things are going well as your folks settle in PNG.
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