Saturday, December 30, 2006


Well, right before classes broke for Christmas I had another evaluation. It went really well - I was nervous for this one, but Paty, my teacher, makes it quite non-threatening. So, in all it went well.
However, the director of the Spanish Course is also in the US for Christmas and since she has to review the evaluation to determine what level I am, I have to wait until the second week of January to know what level I'm at in Spanish which also determines where I am in the Spanish course.
It seems like I may be far enough along that the Spanish classes no longer are helping me & I may be able to spend a few months on my own with neighbors & friends doing a self-study course that would finish my Language study time. That will all be decided in a few weeks when the director gets back to Mexico, etc.
I know the Lord's timing is perfect. Please pray that I will be resting in Him & seeking His way instead of pushing my desires.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year!

This year has gone by so fast! It's hard to believe that in two days it will be 2007!!

The beginning of this year I didn't know what was in store for the future (and I still don't!), but the Lord was faithful and opened up the door to go to Mexico to study Spanish. With political conditions getting worse in Venezuela, the field of Mexico welcomed me to stay there.

The Lord provided a great reliable car that continues to run great!

Even though my desire was to live with Mexicans, the Lord was faithful to provide a house for me in a perfect location - a great neighborhood and great neighbors. One of the great blessings of having a house is that the youth group from church and friends can come over anytime for however long they want to or need to!

Sometimes language learning can be boring and redundant- a lot of review seeming not to be making progress, but the Lord has been faithful in Spanish study by reminding me the reason to be diligent in learning & by bringing to mind words and phrases needed to communicate!

As I have experienced my whole life, goodbye's are hard. Saying goodbye this year to my parents & brother who went to PNG, my sister in Texas, the rest of my family, and all my church family and friends was really hard. But the Lord has been faithful in this area also - He has provided some good friends for me there too. And in times of loneliness, He is there comforting me. You also, have been a great comfort & encouragement through emails and phone calls. Another thing I thank God for is internet technology - thru Skype & Vonage, I've been able to stay in contact with my family in PNG & with Elisabeth!

I'm not sure what all 2007 will hold, but this I am sure, that He will be the same Tomorrow as He is Today and as He was Yesterday. He remains the same & in Him I can put my trust. His plan & His timing are perfect.

Thank you for all your support, love, encouragement, and most of all your prayers through this past year. You are all a vital part of me being in Mexico.

Right now, I'm in Texas with my sister for Christmas & New Years. It's been such a blessing to be back and be with her, my family, and see friends from church again. I'll be heading back the first week of January.