Saturday, December 30, 2006


Well, right before classes broke for Christmas I had another evaluation. It went really well - I was nervous for this one, but Paty, my teacher, makes it quite non-threatening. So, in all it went well.
However, the director of the Spanish Course is also in the US for Christmas and since she has to review the evaluation to determine what level I am, I have to wait until the second week of January to know what level I'm at in Spanish which also determines where I am in the Spanish course.
It seems like I may be far enough along that the Spanish classes no longer are helping me & I may be able to spend a few months on my own with neighbors & friends doing a self-study course that would finish my Language study time. That will all be decided in a few weeks when the director gets back to Mexico, etc.
I know the Lord's timing is perfect. Please pray that I will be resting in Him & seeking His way instead of pushing my desires.

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