Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Monday Nite Bible Study

Well, last week, just a few girls showed up, and they were girls who've been in the church a long time. So, we decided to do a review of the 9 plagues in Egypt & see God's power over the gods of this world and study the Passover this week, praying that the unsaved girls would come.
So, this week it was my turn again to teach, because I had prepared the Passover lesson. The Lord is in control of all things. There weren't many girls that went last night, either, but 3 girls who were recently saved went. We reviewed the 9 plagues & continued into the 10th plague with the Passover. It was so exciting to see how the instructions God gave to the Israelites to kill a perfect lamb to take the place of the first-born son correspond to Christ, being perfect, dying in our place, so we can live eternally.
The Lord knew who needed to hear the lesson yesterday. It is not my job to "save" the unsaved, just to be faithful with what He has called me to do. It is His job to woo them & to convict them. I'm praying that they might recognize their need for a Saviour soon, though. We never know when our last day on earth will be!

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