Sunday, July 15, 2007

Pics from PNG

Josh was able to go to another area of PNG for about a month and helped out missionaries there with construction projects: especially helping to finish a dorm. While there, he got to do some fun things with friends from school - climbing a mountain, hiking, scuba diving, visiting a tribal village in that region. He enjoyed it immensely. Here's some pics.
Josh in a Picus tree. Can you see him?
Josh scuba diving with some friends. There's one family there who has all the scuba equipment and takes those who want to and who are certified (Josh get certified a few months ago) out diving.
He also got to do some kneeboarding.
This waterfall is one of 4 in a row. It's just a little hike away from the tribal village where Josh & some friends visited. It is truly beautiful there.

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