Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Friday Nite, errr Saturday Morning :)

We took a break of about a month during July/first part of August from our weekly girl's Bible study because of schedules and people being gone, etc. So, as a "kick-off" to get running again, we decided to have a sleepover at my house. It would also serve to get to know some of the girls that we didn't know as well. There are several newer girls that I don't know very much.
I told the girls to get to my house around 8pm, and we'd start to make pizzas. I would direct them, but they would make homemade pizza.
So, around 10pm the first ones showed up.
Sarai & Tania
All of us: Magos, me, Sarai, Tania, & Judit
Then, around 11pm, just after all the "work" was done & the pizzas were coming out of the oven, 2 other girls showed up. They'd already told me that they'd be late, b/c one of them had to play for a wedding. So, they came after her commitment was fulfilled.
There were fewer than I'd hoped for, I had hoped that all the girls who attend the Bible study would be able to come. But, they couldn't/didn't for different reasons. The Lord was in control, though, I'd left all the details & the "worrying" up to Him. We had a good time just the few of us & the smaller number served to get to know each other better.
We'll try it again, though!
Monday nite we started up again with a review of what we've studied. We reviewed with questions, and I was pleasantly surprised with what the girls had learned/remembered. The Lord is working in their hearts & they are learning His Word!

A Green Getaway in the Cement Jungle

This is my backyard. It is a place that I can escape to to relax, prepare for class, study for Bible study, etc. It's my own personal get-away.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Garden

Pink Day Lily

Moon flower just opening in early afternoon

Tiny Morning Glory plants pushing up

Geraniums Galore!

Look how the wildflowers grow. They don't work or make their clothing. But I tell you that not even King Solomon in all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these flowers. Mt 6:28-29

Just think, if the most beautiful of what man can make is nothing compared to the mere wildflowers that God creates, can we even begin to image His beauty? His glory? It is too much.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Meetings, meetings, meetings

This week is meeting week! The Spanish Culture & Language Acquisition course starts next week, so we are trying to get all our ducks in a row. The Whyling family returned from a summer furlough just yesterday. Now that they're here, we're talking and planning and making room for another classroom to accomodate all the new students!
Please pray for a smooth transition to this new semester. We've made a few changes, Lord willing they will be for the better.
Please pray for unity between Whylings & myself as we take on this new responsibility and for unity among the teachers & students also.
And, finally please pray for prepared hearts, that all of us might see the prize at the end and be willing to go through the hard times to get to the end and learn Spanish & Mexican culture well.

I've got tomatoes!!