Monday, September 17, 2007


There has been a lot of things happening here in Mexico lately. And everything has been happening in two's.

2 missionaries' vehicles have been stolen. It seems both times were professional jobs: one vehicle was stolen from in front of the missionaries house without setting off the alarm. This family is still dealing with paperwork and looking for another vehicle. The other family has basically gotten the situation resolved. 1 family was new and in the Spanish course.

2 houses were robbed within a span of a few days. Both houses were of families in the Spanish course. Praise the Lord, neither family was home, and were not hurt. They both lost things, but they have both been encouraged to see how God provided things they've lost or has brought people along to help the cleanup, etc.

2 kids broke their arms on the same day! Both kids were in the dorm. Let's just say that was a day the dorm parents won't forget! Their son broke his arm in the afternoon, so they left the kids with other people and took him to the doctor. When they got back to where they left the other kids, they ate supper. While jumping on a trampoline, one of the girls in the dorm fell and broke her elbow. There was no circulation in her lower arm, so she went directly into surgery. Her parents came out of the tribe to be with her. The kids are fine, just both in a cast for a while.

2 people have/had typhoid. It is a sickness that causes fatigue and gets you run down. One lady has recovered and the other is still trying to rest and take her medicine. She's one of the teachers at the Spanish course.

2 deaths. One year ago, Alonso Cano, an NTM missionary who taught in the Spanish course, died after being run over by a drunk driver. We just passed the one year anniversary. A few days after that, we buried little Glenn Isaac Urquhart. He was the firstborn son of fellow missionaries; he was 2 months old, although he had been born early and with downs syndrome, he was recovering so well, he was about to go home. But all of a sudden, the Lord called him home.

As you can see several things have been happening in the Spanish course. Please pray for the students & teachers and for other missionaries here. It seems like we're taking a hit right now, and we would covet your prayers. Satan is trying to discourage and cause disunity. The first bit of a missionaries time overseas is a vulnerable, hard time for new missionaries, and Satan wants to take advantage of that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel! Your mom gave us your blog site, and we have enjoyed seeing pictures and leaning more about your involvement there in Mexico. We think your big smile says it all. Praise God for what He is doing in and through your life. The Lord is working in Junction City Wisconsin as well. We praise Him for His matchless mercy and amazing grace.
Love and Prayers, Erv & Jan Volkmann