Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Sunday, October 14, 2007 was a day of great rejoicing in Heaven!
6 new names were written in God's Book of Life!
Yesterday, after the sermon, 6 people at church got saved, and one other person, IdalĂ­, was assured of salvation!
I had the priviledge of talking with IdalĂ­ after church. She's a young girl who has been in church for many years, but has not been involved for a while. She's been doing her own thing, and just accompanying her family on Sundays. Well, yesterday the Lord got ahold of her heart, and she is repenting of living her own way. As we talked about sin & forgiveness, her whole face lit up when she learned that ALL her sin, past, present, & future has already been forgiven. Praise the Lord for the work that HE is doing in Chihuahua!


This week, I am having visitors! Jeremy & Nicole Hager, staff from Trinity Bible Church, are coming to visit for a few days! I'm excited.

And the winner is...

LindaSueBuhl was right when she said the snack looked like bug pieces. They were grasshoppers. Grasshoppers with chile & lime is a snack food that they eat down in the south. It's a good thing I'm not in the south!! Fhew.

Another nod to my mother, who said to me on the phone, "Rachel, you didn't eat those did you? I know you & I don't think you would." Yes, Ma, you're right. I posed but I didn't injest. If it were a question of offending someone by refusing, YES, I would have eaten. But, since this was just a fun thing in the Spanish Dept, I claimed the right to refuse.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Mmm Snack!

Look what someone brought for snack to the Spanish Department on Friday!
It's a snack food from down in the southern part of Mexico. What do you think it is?