Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Sunday, October 14, 2007 was a day of great rejoicing in Heaven!
6 new names were written in God's Book of Life!
Yesterday, after the sermon, 6 people at church got saved, and one other person, IdalĂ­, was assured of salvation!
I had the priviledge of talking with IdalĂ­ after church. She's a young girl who has been in church for many years, but has not been involved for a while. She's been doing her own thing, and just accompanying her family on Sundays. Well, yesterday the Lord got ahold of her heart, and she is repenting of living her own way. As we talked about sin & forgiveness, her whole face lit up when she learned that ALL her sin, past, present, & future has already been forgiven. Praise the Lord for the work that HE is doing in Chihuahua!


LindaSue said...

Thank you for sharing with us! Wonderful to see the harvest results and we rejoice with you - won't it be cool to hear all these stories in glory? You are surely busy about your Father's business - glad you will have Texas company soon! Oh and thank you for visiting MY blog. I agree with you sweet mom :::waving Hi Lena!::: glad you didn't have to eat that delicacy, although God gave us permission to eat all things I glad it wasn't an instuction!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rachel for all you do. I am proud of you. You are a big part. YOu do have a gift for languages. Thanks for serving where God has you for now. Our prayer go with you.
Love you