Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Before & After

Can you see the sleep still in our eyes? The sun had just come up. And I had to get up before the sun to get ready and then pick up the other girls!
We all did well. Sarah Anderson got 3rd in our division of the 5K, Chris Baxter got 2nd in her division of the 10K, and I finished the 5K! WooHoo!
Everyone got a medal, so don't think I'm something special! I just hadn't taken mine off yet.


LindaSue said...

Now Now - YOU are always something special - medals or no. We did a 5K walk last month - and like you - we finished and I was thrilled! Way to go! What lovely people you are getting to know and fun that they are active too.

Anonymous said...

aaaah felicidades a todas!!!
Hace tanto tiempo que no corro, creo que en vez de correr me saldría mejor intentar rodar :P

Jajajajajaja... es broma!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done i am proud of you. You are special no matter what. You did it and that is what counts. May you be blessed for your efforts and I know you are a blessing to many.

ME you know who

Anonymous said...

wow a 5k I'm impressed! I am a horrible runner, I would never be able to finish that long of a run. Good job!

Nicole Hager