Saturday, March 22, 2008

Update from the Sierra

I have told many of you about a Tepehuan tribe here in Mexico where two missionaries families work. They spend 3 weeks in the village, then leave for a week and a half or so back to Durango and then go back in to the village for 3 weeks. They have been doing this for over 5 years, and have just about learned the language of the people. The people are still very suspicious and hard. They do not want the missionaries permanently there, often asking around 2.5 weeks when the missionaries are leaving. 3 weeks is the longest at a time the the missionaries can be there. But, then, the next time they arrive, things are fine again for a little while. The Lord has opened up opportunities to build relationships and learn language in this less than ideal situation. Recently, things became a little more threatening. The Lord has again preserved His work there, but please pray that it might continue. Here's some excerpts from recent updates from the missionaries:

We made it safely out to the village and are enjoying being with the Tepehuan again. There is a sacred dance underway, called a “xiutalh”, and so everyone fasts everyday till noon. At noon the shaman and his helper offer up prayers and then cleanse those that go down to the “xiutalh”. here was a meeting here in town a few days before we arrived, and we have been told that some of the outlying Lajas communities are wanting us to leave. This has been happening for years, and the town and leaders have for the most part ignored them. However, now it seems there has been an official letter made asking us to leave. At this point the person informing us has said that unless the town governor actually tells us officially, there is no need for us to panic, and so we're not. Actually, we're used to this and know that either way, God will allow us to stay or allow us to leave. It seems the problem isn’t so much us, but that there are political struggles in the village and outlying towns, and we are being used by one side to stick it to the other side. Pray that God’s will and His plan for this place will be allowed to continue. Really it is a spiritual battle, and apart from this Tepehuan friend informing us of these threats, life is going on the same for us here.

And then, this was the result of those threats:
We deeply appreciate those that prayed about our situation here. It was looking like we would be asked to leave the village very soon. We believe that God has answered prayer and the"storm" has passed, at least for now. The village leaders are looking forward to the dental clinic that we are hosting next week. We are thankful for this and trust that the very ones who are trying to have us ousted will be helped by the dentists and change their minds. We know that the Lord can work in any number of ways and we trust Him to keep this door of ministry open.

Again, thank you so much for praying. We are so grateful for those who care enough to pray. May the Lord bless and encourage you as you have us.

The missionaries just got done with the dental clinic.
What a blessing to have been able to help over 80 Tepehuan people with their dental needs! Everything went very well and we deeply appreciate your prayers.
We are also very thankful that we weren't told to leave the village. There are still rumors of people trying to get us out, something we may just have to live with. There will be a town meeting on the 30th of March when our names could come up again. So please pray that the Lord will keep the door open to ministry.
We are safely back in Durango after a long and dusty trip.

This is not over. Please pray for the meeting on the 30th. Pray that the people might recognize the good that the missionaries are doing and not feel threatened. Pray that nothing bad will come out of the meeting for the missionaries. And better yet, pray that they might be invited officially to stay.

1 comment:

LindaSue said...

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, aginst the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. " Ephesians 6:12 Rachel - the story you are sharing with us is a perfect example of the spiritual war going on all around us but we often choose not to see it. Bless your friends and co workers in their work to bring light into a very dark world.