This last Saturday, the youth group at church had a "Mission Conference." The whole focus was missions, therefore they asked me to do / be in charge of the speaking part. What an opportunity! Many churches are still unaware of the immense job of missions or feel that it is a "white man's" job themselves being the recipients of mission work.
(Kelsey Middleton, Caleb McLellan, not shown: Isaac Middleton, JB Dunn)
A band of 4 missionary kids started out the time with worship in Spanish. They did a great job.
Then, Arehmi Barrera gave her testimony of how the Lord saved her & then later challenged her to missions. She's a Mexican from down south close to Mexico City. She came up here to Chihuahua about 4 years ago to attend NTM's national mission training. She just recently graduated & is looking to the Lord to open up a place in a tribe. We're praying about working together.
Herself being Mexican, she challenged the youth that this is not a job for only the "white ones", but it's a job that God has given to all Christians. It's the church's responsibility to spread the Gospel.

Then, I did an activity that shows the different necesities in missions and that no matter what gifts/abilities/talents someone has, that there is a place for them in full time ministry. I pray that it opened their eyes to full time ministry and at the same time challenged them with the role that the local church plays in missions.
It seems like the Mexican church is starting to wake up to this realization of the part that the Lord would have them play in missions. They have been the recipients for so long. It is so cool to see them take the responsibility to send and support missionaries themselves. We are praying for people in our church here to be raised up to go.
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