This last week, I had some long-distance help! The PreK kids at Trinity Christian Academy collected winter items for kids for a missions project. There are a lots of kids and people who are not properly equipped to withstand the cold. Especially orphanages. So, the kids collected all this:
29 pairs of gloves
4 scarves
1 bag of socks
1 baby sleeper
2 sweatshirts
for me to give away to kids who need them. I took most of the stuff to one of the orphanages called Libres Por Amor. (Free Through Love) It's a children's home that houses about 130 kids. It's the only children's rehab place in the state of Chihuahua - most of the kids are recovering from drug abuse, substance abuse or have been removed from a drug atmosphere at home. Many have also suffered other abuses. The kids were very excited to get the hats, gloves, scarves, and one of the workers there snapped these pictures when she was giving some things to the boys...

I just saw one of the workers again today, and she said the kids are wearing their hats & gloves & loving them! Thanks so much TCA PreK kids for your generosity and serving the Lord by helping take care of orphans!

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