The Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to work with the kids here on campus. There are 4 classes - nursery, 1 year olds, 2 year olds, and pre-school. The childcare is for children of the students studying to be missionaries. Each room has regular staff women who work everyday with the kids, but moms have to work also to fill the ratio of childcare worker/children. So, every time I work, it enables a mom to go to class with her husband and get the training. Women are just as much missionaries as their husbands - half of the tribal people we hope to reach are women!! So, it is very important that the women get to hear the training also!

I thank the Lord when I am able to work and let moms go to class. I enjoy working in all the classes - I get to rotate around & know all the kids. Its so fun when they see me out of class & run to hug me or shout out "Hi, Miss Rachel!"

They are darlings!
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