That same morning, as one of the dad's dropped off his girl, he told me what had happened at their house the night before. He put his daughter to bed, and she prayed her normal prayer. But, then, she said she wanted to pray for her friends, too. So she proceeded to list all the kids in childcare, Miss Christine, Miss Edna, and the new teacher (fill-in mom while I was gone.) Her dad asked her if she wanted to pray for Miss Rachel, too. She said no, because she wasn't at school today. Needless to say, I was not prayed for that night by little Lucy. I didn't realise there were such dire consequences of missing a day of childcare! :)
I usually put my hair up, looped up in a pony tail when I'm in childcare. It keeps it out of my face & out of the way. Well, one day this week I left my hair down, straight & long. One of the little boys came in the door, "Good morning!" Then, he looked at me and said, "Miss Rachel, you put your hair on today!" And, then ran off to play with some of the toys!

You're a very good writer, Rachel. i'm sure that's something else that the Lord is going to use one day down the line when you are in Mexico finding your niche on the church planting team! Thanks for the blogs. Thanks for encouraging me to start one myself! Judy Ambrosius
Hey Rachel!
How are you doing? I just found your blog through the TBC website. O, and I prayed for you two days ago. Hope You are doing great!
You indeed have your hair on and obviously are blessing those kiddos with your playful spirit!
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