Well, the agents gave the 27 people seats, and then the monitor said they had “dispatched” the plane. They were packing things up & stuff, not calling more standby’s on, so I figured that flight was done. All of a sudden, one of the agents grabs the mic & calls “So –and-so and Chapman” I went up to the counter with my carry-on & they said, “the flight attendants say there are 2 more seats, get on down there.” I asked what seat, and they said “Just pick one of the empty ones!” So, I “got on down there” and sat between two flight attendants who were heading to Atlanta to work later that day.
It was God, because there were 6 people ahead of me on the standby list! I don’t know why they called me. 3 of the others were traveling together, but I don’t think the others were.
Anyway, thanks for praying. I arrived safely and was met at the airport by a friend.
I've enjoyed seeing old friends, remembering old favorites, and seeing new things - there are some things that are the same as they have been for oh-so-many years and others things have completely changed in the last 4 years. It's good to be back.
1 comment:
Raquel, que bien que estas alla y que pronto tambien estaras aca :)
Espero pronto ver fotos de panama, de los lugares, las personas, la comida y de ti :)
Que la pases super bien!!!!
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