Saturday, May 13, 2006

A New Schedule

The Mexican culture tends to be a very late culture & I am trying to get used to it. Although I am a night person, I don't think I've stayed up so late so consistently since I was in Bible College when I was 18 & 19!!
Most events & visiting are at night & they usually last until very late. For example, when I have gone out to coffee with people, it's about 9pm when everyone gets to the cafe. And, we usually don't leave until 11:30. By the time I get home & in bed, it's already the next day!
I have readily embraced the Mexican siesta!! When I get home from Spanish class in the morning, I have a little nap (fried brain from thinking so hard in Spanish & tired from the night before!)
Mexicans have a different meal schedule from us Americans, also. They have breakfast in the morning, then a light snack around 11am. Then, they eat their main, heavy meal in the afternoon, between 2-3 and supper is a light snack anywhere from 8pm-11pm. People in the workforce get a two hour lunch break from 1-3 or 2-4 so they can go home, eat & take a little siesta! What do you think about that! But, they also get off work later than we do in the US!

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