Wednesday, September 13, 2006

With the Lord

I ask you to pray for the field of Mexico & for the Cano/Millikan family. We have just lost a co-worker & friend.
Yesterday evening at about 6:30PM Alonso Cano was struck by a truck driven by a drunk driver. Alonso was riding with his bicycle team when the driver of the truck swerved around the trail vehicle and hit Alonso and seven other cyclists. All eight were taken to Cima Hospital, where five were treated and released. Alonso and two others were pronounced in critical condition. Surgery was performed on Alonso to try to stop the massive internal bleeding. Alonso passed away on the operating table around 2:30AM Wednesday morning. This comes as a huge shock to all of us. We know that your love and prayers will be with the family.
Alonso was married to Natalie Millikan Cano. (Her parents are Marshal & Joy Millikan - missionaries here in Mexico.) They have three children - Sofia 7 -her birthday is the 25th, Joshua 4, and Iban 2. Please pray for the family - that the Lord would uphold them, strengthen them & comfort them.
Many of Alonso's family are unsaved, but a few have just recently accepted Christ! Please pray for the new believers to grow through this & for the unsaved ones to be sensitive to the Gospel.
Alonso was one of the main teachers at the Spanish Course. Please pray for all of us in the continuing days.

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