Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Lord is working through Alonso's death

More details of the accident keep coming in. Below is the translated testimony of one of the young cyclists, Pablo who is on the Chihuahua University cycling team and is a Christian, and how it has affected his life. He uses the cycling term, “on your wheel” which means that the lead rider is choosing the best path for both safety and victory and is pulling the follower by his draft which saves the following rider’s energy. The energy savings is so great that a weaker rider can stay with a strong one by staying in his draft, close to his rear wheel.

On your wheel, Alonso

Last Tuesday along with my bicycling companions I was rammed by a truck which was speeding over 60 miles per hour. But, that wasn’t the real trauma. The true shock which has devastated me and has transformed my life is the death of a hero. The truck entered our lane on a diagonal, principally smashing into Alonso who moved out to cushion my collision with the truck and thus saved my life.

An aunt of mine said, “Sometimes God allows us to meet our guardian angels.” And, thus was the case. Alonso was one who always watched out for me and took me under his wing like a little brother. I thank God for the life of Alonso and all that I learned from him.

I’ll never forget his words to me before one of our races. “Stay on my wheel, Pablo,” which means that I was to draft him and follow him to victory through the whole length of the race. I only hope that in this race which we call life, God gives me the strength to follow in his steps.

This will be my goal in life, to follow in the steps of him who gave his life for me so I could be here, alive and writing this today. Thank you, Alonso, because even in the moment of your departure you gave me a testimony of how true Christians leave this life. You gave me a testimony of how heroes say good-bye. In fact, heroes never die, but rather they live in the lives of those they have impacted. Thank you Alonso! I will live my life honoring you, living for God as you lived. On your wheel, forever….


Pablo MontaƱo

1Cor. 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

We can't know all that God is doing through Alonso's death, but we know He is at work and He's allowed us to see some small glimpses of it. Please continue in prayer for Alonso's family members. Many of them are very sensitive to the Lord at this time. Thank you for praying for Natalie and the children. There is no doubt that it is your prayers that are holding them up in the midst of deep sorrow and grief.

Thank you,

Marsh & Joy (parents of Natalie - wife of Alonso)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,

I couldn't believe Mike found this blog. It was so good to hear about your life in Mexico. We are heading home at the end of the month. Hopefully, we will meet up with Christy. Say hi to Elizabeth.
