Monday, October 16, 2006

Teaching at the Orphanage

Tonight I'm teaching for the first time at the orphanage! We're going through the Bible chronologically and I'll be teaching the story of Noah. The kids are split up in 3 classes by ages, but by now they just go to whichever class they want to - depending on the relationships they have with the teachers & helpers of the classes. So, I'll have kids anywhere from 4-17 years of age! Usually about 10-12 go to each class.

If you get this in time, please pray, I'm a little nervous.

I'll try to get some pics & post them this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray Rachel - surely you did well in your class - Noah's story is a real crowd grabber. Thank you for sharing this with those of us back here in TBC!