Friday, February 16, 2007

Final Days

I've been traveling of late, thus the delay in updating the blog. Here is what I sent out tonight to friends, family, and people who pray:

Thank you for continuing to pray for my family & my uncle Paul. He continues to go downhill & it looks like he will be seeing our Lord Jesus Christ soon! From our perspective, that will be a sad time as we grieve for our loss, but at the same time, from God's perspective, what a joyful reunion. Uncle Paul will see the God of the Universe face to face. I'm so excited for him in that respect.

The Lord provided a inexpensive ticket from El Paso to Winnipeg to visit my family and see my mother (who came back from Papua New Guinea to be with my aunt & uncle.) The timing was perfect (as His timing always is!) as I was finished with Spanish but not yet making trips into the mountains to visit different tribal areas. Please continue to pray for my aunt & uncle & family. My uncle sleeps most of the time now. Every once in a while he wakes up and is lucid. He cannot communicate or move the right side of his body. But, he has given a few one armed hugs since I've been here. It is difficult for him to eat & take his medicine. My aunt has been by his side for the past 3 months & takes care of him everyday. Please pray for good rest for her.

As soon as I get back to Mexico, I will be traveling for 5 weeks. The first week, I'll be going with a group from the mission training here in Mexico. We will be visiting the Cora tribe that lives in the mountains of central Mexico. Then, for 4 weeks, I'll be in the mountains of northern Mexico visiting in the Guarijio tribe. Look for more info in the coming days on my blog.

Please pray for the Lord to be glorified here in central Manitoba through my uncle & his going to glory.
Thank you for your faithfulness in upholding my family in prayer. The Lord is faithful & will bring them through. He is the God of all comfort & I pray that they will see Him through this time.

In Christ,
Rachel Chapman

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