Monday, February 05, 2007

Update on Uncle Paul

Hello everybody...just wanted to let everyone know Auntie Lena (my mother) arrived safely. She had some flight delays but eventually landed in Winnipeg to be greeted by -44 degree weather. Bit of a shocker for a tropical lady. I know mom will be glad of the company.
Dad is holding his own...he had another seizure (the second since his arrival in Steinbach) but still has some more alert days now and again. Mostly he sleeps and when he is awake he's drowsy. Although there are times he holds your hand and stares in your eyes as if there are a thousand things he would like to say but can't....the stream of company continues and I wonder if dad even knew that this many cared about him....the prayers and flowers and well wishes of so many....We continue to treasure this time with him....The doctors and nurses are kind to all of us and we are grateful also for this as the constant stream of family and visitors must be disrupting for them at times. Thank-you all ...we know there is so many who have included dad in their daily prayers...take care...Lori

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