Friday, March 02, 2007

Guess what? There´s a cyber cafe here in Polvoroso! They even have high-speed internet.
We arrived safely yesterday morning by plane. A truck passed just then by the airstrip and we got a ride down to town. We got a nice hotel right next to where the Cora live. It is extremely hot here. Everyone goes outside in the later afternoon after it cools off abit. We had a better time meeting people and talking at that time when it is much cooler.
We´re here until tomorrow morning early. We´ll go part way by bus then hitch a ride the rest of the way. We´ll have all day to try and people say that there´s trucks and pickups passing all the time. There´s a bus that goes on Monday if all else fails.

We´re looking forward to El Pino´s cool weather.

Thanks for praying, we´ve been able to meet quite a few people and are doing well. The Lord has opened up doors.

The Lord has us in the palm of his hand. Keep praying.

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