This is the world that the Guarijio people live in. By nature, they can clearly see that there is a God who orchestrates all life. The god they worship is not the God of the Bible, but rather the sun. Two families here, Benders & Reeds, are in the end stages of learning the Guarijio language and are preparing to teach the people about God beginning at Creation. Pray for them to be able to consentrate on language and lessons. Pray for the Guarijio people's hearts to be prepared to hear God's Word.
Arehmi & I are here for a month, getting an orientation to missionary life in the mountains. We are visiting the people to build relationships and learn their culture. And, we're learning bits of the language - how to culturally greet people and take leave & how to put words together in sentences. Today a girl is coming to teach us how to make flour tortillas. We'll learn all the words for that process in Guarijio!
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