Friday, February 22, 2008

With the Lord

Picture of Eugenio, taken about 2 years ago, with a friend from church.

About 2 hours ago, Eugenio, a young man from the church, passed away. It was a shock & surprise. He was run over by the bus that he was trying to get on to go home after work. He was rushed to the hospital and into surgery, but died shortly thereafter.

He was about 20 years old and had just gotten married legally, but they had yet to have their church wedding. He was working extra to be able to get a house for them to move into after the wedding.

He was a believer, so he is now in the presence of God. He was one of the first ones in his family to believe, and now almost all of his family, which is quite large, believes, in part because of the testimony of his changed life.

I did not know him real well and do not know his wife/fiance, but I know some of his family. Please would you be in prayer for them as these next few days will be especially difficult.

1 comment:

LindaSue said...

Oh my - what a tragedy -thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray for his family.