Saturday, May 24, 2008

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

God is Good. He blesses us above & beyond what we can imagine!
I am not worthy of His blessing, yet in His kindness and grace, He chooses to bless me anyway. His unconditional love is so humbling.
The Lord provided tickets through a family friend for my sister & I to visit our parents & Josh for his graduation in Papua New Guinea!! We are so excited to be able to visit them, share this memory with them, see where they live, and experience the PNG culture!!
So, here I am with tickets in hand (yes, the old-fashioned paper kind!) ready to go!! Only a few more days. Thank you Lord!
Please pray for Elisabeth & I on the trip.
-Pray that our flights might be okay so we can join up and fly together
-Pray for the long trip - over 30 hours - that we might be alert & awake when we need to (changing flights), but also sleep well on the plane.
Thank you


LindaSue said...

What a wonderful blessing! I always enjoy your blog posts and am encouraged in the faith by your clear vision of the Lord's hand in your life. Please give your brother our regards - we have a little graduation card and gift when your parents come here to Weatherford (or else I'll give it to Elizabeth). Enjoy this adventure - you always do!

Oolador said...

como va todo por alla???

fotos... fotos... solo pido fotos :)

vas a ver a tus papas!!! que padre!!!