Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ready or Not, Here it Comes!

Thankfully we were ready! Last Monday was the start of classes here at the Missionary Training Center. That means that childcare also started for those students with kids under school age. That is one of the things that I do here.
Last semester I rotated around in different rooms, helping out all the age groups wherever I was needed most.
Now, this semester, I have a class of my own.
This is the 2-year-olds team: myself, my co-teacher, Christine Hamb, and the craft & spontaneous fun creator, Edna Berto
So, 5 days a week, 4 hours in the mornings, we are responsible for these kids. We have 11 or less, depending if some are sick, etc.
For the most part it has been good and I've enjoyed it. But, it wears me out!

Please pray for me that I would have patience, love, wisdom, and CREATIVITY!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another goodbye

The Lord was very good to us this Christmas in allowing all of us to be together again. It will be several years before my parents plan to come back for a furlough, so we enjoyed the time together knowing it will be a while before we can enjoy that again.
My dad is again in PNG, already back at work at the hangar, maintaining the aircraft and fulfilling several other jobs as well. My mother returns to PNG this week. My brother is back in Wisconsin studying the Bible at New Tribes Bible Institute & Elisabeth is at home in Texas, enjoying her job as a vet tech at a local equine medical clinic.
Thank you all for your prayers for our family. We appreciate you!