Monday, July 20, 2009


Praise the Lord I'm in Panama! Thank you for praying. For Saturday's flight, there were 27 seats available, but I was number 33 on the standby list, so I figured I wouldn’t get to go on that flight, and was hoping that Lord-willing I would be able to go the following flight. For the second flight, there were 13 seats available and I would be #6 in line after the 27 people in front of me had left on the first flight.
Well, the agents gave the 27 people seats, and then the monitor said they had “dispatched” the plane. They were packing things up & stuff, not calling more standby’s on, so I figured that flight was done. All of a sudden, one of the agents grabs the mic & calls “So –and-so and Chapman” I went up to the counter with my carry-on & they said, “the flight attendants say there are 2 more seats, get on down there.” I asked what seat, and they said “Just pick one of the empty ones!” So, I “got on down there” and sat between two flight attendants who were heading to Atlanta to work later that day.
It was God, because there were 6 people ahead of me on the standby list! I don’t know why they called me. 3 of the others were traveling together, but I don’t think the others were.
Anyway, thanks for praying. I arrived safely and was met at the airport by a friend.
I've enjoyed seeing old friends, remembering old favorites, and seeing new things - there are some things that are the same as they have been for oh-so-many years and others things have completely changed in the last 4 years. It's good to be back.

1 comment:

Sarai said...

Raquel, que bien que estas alla y que pronto tambien estaras aca :)

Espero pronto ver fotos de panama, de los lugares, las personas, la comida y de ti :)

Que la pases super bien!!!!