Monday, July 20, 2009

Cristo-pagan worldview

data from the Joshua Project
The people of Las Moras are a small group of approximately 1,300 people, who live in a remote area in the Western Sierra Madre mountains. They grow crops and raise livestock. Corn, squash and amaranth form the basis of their diet, though they also hunt game and gather wild fruits.Although they have incorporated various elements of Catholicism into their religion, they’ve retained their pre-Columbian worship practices with regard to the sun and moon, Venus, the eagle, and the deer. More than 10 years ago, a process of pre-evangelism through community service was initiated. A Bible translation project has also been started in this language.
The pre-evangelism work done by co-workers has opened the door wide open for us to be able to move into the village and live with the people. Please pray for us as we
  • build houses (September - ?)
  • move into the village of Las Moras (after 2 houses are finished)
  • learn the language & culture of the people (next few years)
so that we can teach the the truth of the Bible and confront the erroneous beliefs that have been passed down for thousands of years. These people are a lost people. Dying without ever hearing the Gospel. Pray that they will soon have a chance.

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