Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ice falling from the sky!

Every weekday we watched the Bender girls so Machelle could have uninterrupted time to study Guarijio. One of those cold, cloudy, rainy days we were inside coloring and all of a suddens, I heard something hard falling on the roof. I looked outside and said, "I think it's hailing." The girls said, "What's hailing?"
So, I said, "It's ice that falls from the sky just like rain."
The girls got so excited and ran outside to see the ice. (Ice is very special treat out there as freezer space is precious.)
I grabbed some tupperware and they caught the hail & ate it! It was so fun.
"I'm not getting much ice in my tub!"
"Yum, yum"
"This is so cool."

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