Saturday, April 07, 2007

Please pray for Ellie & family

This is Ellie Skees. She's 8 years old, and 7 months ago, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. She has been valiently fighting this battle for her life.
The beginning of March, Ellie transfered from Florida to Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York, a hospital that specializes in this rare form of cancer. She's been undergoing radiation & chemo but last week got an infection and is now in PICU in a drug-induced coma.

Meet the Skees: Sarah & John are both in New York with Ellie. Ethan is at home in Florida with grandparents.

Sarah or others update daily or several times a day on Ellie Skees - A little girl battles cancer

Please keep this family in your prayers.

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