Sunday, November 09, 2008

My 2nd Race

Bass Pro had a fitness weekend with several races - 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon & the Marathon. A few students & I went down to Springfield to run in them. On Saturday, the girls (top row - Faith Stokes, Sharon Bruce, Keri Patterson, Kathryn Kreiger, Jenna Currey) & Jenna's dad ran the 5K, and Sam ran the 10K.
Then, I stayed the night & ran the Half-Marathon the next day. My Uncle Gerry & Aunt Marge came from St. Louis to cheer me on! Thanks so much guys - that was SO special!
Almost ready to start...
Finished at last!

It was pretty hard race. It was very long. I had run 10 miles in training, but never the full 13.1 Those last 3 miles were brutal. But, by God's grace, He enabled me to finish. I was able to get out & run on Friday and this morning also, and am feeling great!

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