Tuesday, March 31, 2009

2 or 28, it's all the same

Many times, when I teach Bible time to the kiddos, I am challenged myself by God's Word. Sometime, I have to get real before God and work out things before I can go before the kids and teach. Sometimes God speaks to me and says "Rachel, you're teaching them that I am good, you're singing "God is so good" but you're heart doesn't believe it. Do you believe what you're teaching? Does your life show that you believe Me?"
One of those moments happened just a bit ago. Our lesson was about prayer. And, the text was when Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Our lessons are VERY simplified - they're 2, remember.) So, the lesson boiled down to Jesus praying, "God, help me to do what You want. Help me to do what pleases You."
What pleases God? We focused on 3 things: obeying our mommies & daddies, being kind to our friends, and being thankful.
The Lord challenged me in my obedience to Him. We define obedience in childcare as: right away, with a happy attitude. Many times, with the Lord, I drag my feet. I need to listen to what I teach the kids, and God is faithful to show me those areas that are not pleasing to Him.
The other area that God has been showing me where I am deficient is thanksgiving. He blesses me everyday. I take so much for granted. He is opening my eyes to His work around me & in me, and asking me to thank Him for what He is doing and to give Him the praise He is due.


LindaSue said...

Over and Over -He reminds us a little child shall lead them - they don't have all the worldly filters in place to create hesitation or doubt. Don't be too hard on yourself but it is such a affirmation of His loving care to know He put you in the right place for the training you are to have right now. Thank you for sharing - we all have that foot dragging kind of belief at times (most of the time?) don't have to - we choose to - bless you Rachel - you bless us all

Anonymous said...

Rachel, I am so proud of you. So exciting to see your teachable spirt.
God does have great things in store for you. He is good. I enjoy reading your blog. YOU are so open and genuine. Thank you for the testimony you are to me.
Because HE Lives