Saturday night, we watched a movie, then hit the hay. Sunday morning, we had breakfast all together, then we had a devotional - a time of sharing, praising the Lord, and prayer. Afterwards, we sent the kids on a treasure hunt all over campus.
We saw God answer prayer in several ways. We had a good turn-out: 8 in total-6 of them are regulars, 1 doesn't attend regularly, and 1 was an invited friend.
We experienced the most exciting answers to prayer Sunday morning. We had planned to spend much of Sunday outside with the treasure hunt. However from the moment that weekend appeared on the weather forecast, the meteorologists predicted a rain & clouds all day. We began to pray and asked some other to pray, at least that during the time for the treasure hunt it would be clear. Saturday night, still the forecast was: RAIN. I woke up early Sunday morning, took a shower, and as I sat on my stoop for devotions and some quiet time with the Lord (some of the girls were sleeping in my house), huge dark storm clouds rolled in and it began to rain. I wasn't too worried, b/c God had plenty of time to stop the rain. It was another few hours until the treasure hunt. I went in to make breakfast & as the other kids arrived, I noticed the rain was stopping. After we finished eating, I went outside to check the sky. It was clear! The clouds were COMPLETELY GONE!! There wasn't more clouds waiting to come, it was CLEAR!! The rest of the day was a beautiful day. Clear, bright, sunny. Exactly OPPOSITE of what the meterologists predicted. THAT'S MY GOD!!! It rained just a few minutes. God did over & above what we asked for. I think He was just showing off - showing us how abundently He can provide for us & bless us. The kids noticed it too, and praised the Lord for the clear, sunny day!
The other praise was equally exciting. We had asked the Lord for an opportunity to share the Gospel with anyone who wasn't saved. Toward the end of the devotional, we were taking prayer requests for a time of prayer. One of the girls asked prayer for unsaved family members. The friend that was invited asked, "What does it mean to be saved?" Sam was able to take a few minutes and explain our need for a Saviour to save us from sin and to provide a way for us to have a relationship with God. We praise God for this open door to have be a witness in Kat's life. She attends a church that does not teach the Gospel, and we pray that the Lord will be working in her life, convicting her of sin & her need of a Saviour.
Here are some pics of the weekend: (You can see what a gorgeous day it was!!)
With each clue, they gathered letters. The very last clue gave them the final letters they needed to unscramble the words "Icecream @ DQ." So, after lunch, we headed to town to celebrate with icecream. 
It was a very rewarding time, and it was good to hang out with the kids, building relationships with them in a much more casual atmosphere than weekly church meetings.
Please pray that the youth would grow in their relationship with the Lord and that they would be godly testimonies to those around them - at work, at school, and at home.
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