Monday, March 09, 2009

A week's difference

A week ago, Saturday, this is what it looked like outside when my brother came back from taking a shower in the washhouse. (Our apartments have bathrooms, but no showers. So, we head to the washhouse to wash clothes & ourselves.)
Not even a week later, on Friday afternoon, it was 80some outside. It was definately starting to get hottish. So, a friend, Holly Tiegs & I solved that by jumping in the lake! My first swim of the year. :)
Gotta love Missouri weather!


LindaSue said...

Rachel - you are looking so trim and fit! I fear the lake would have been a tad cold just yet but you are young and can take the chill. Good to see your smiling face - we are praying for you.

Sarah said...

skinny minny! You look great my friend! I am praying for you dear! Hope to see you soon!