Friday, January 26, 2007


Saturday morning, we're having a meeting for the trip to visit the Cora tribe. There are two couples who are still finishing mission training who would like to go. They had invited Arehmi Barrera, another single girl, and myself to go along on the trip also. All of us are interested in possibly working with the tribe. (see below for map)
So far, there's not been much communication as we've not all sat down together to talk about the trip. One person says this, one person says that. So, please pray as we all sit down together that the details will work out smoothly.

Also, two mission leaders & one of the consultants will be there to put their two-cents in. There are two dialects of Cora, so the mission is looking to put two church-planting teams in - one in each dialect. We are hoping to be able to visit both dialects.

A Cora family during planting season

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