Thursday, January 11, 2007


There was no Pomp & Circumstance. There were no caps or gowns. There were no commencement speeches. It was a normal day, the first day back to class after Christmas Break.
All it was was one little white envelope, sealed. In it were the results of my evaluation back in December. And it said.....

I PASSED!! They said I am at a strong Advanced Mid level - so that means that I've finished the Spanish course!! So, yesterday was my last day in class.

Today, I made cookies for the Tribal Seminar that started tonight & then visited with tribal missionaries that are normally out in the mountains. The next few days will be full of meetings with consultants who have come from Australia & Florida & updates about what God is doing in the various tribes NTM is working in here in Mexico.


Jodi said...

CONGRATS Rachel. you did it!! Good job plugging away and keeping at your spanish. So happy for you that you passed. I have been praying for you. hope your next couple of days goes well.
Miss you

Anonymous said...

Mu Bueno Rachel - good job!- the Lord is preparing you for a mighty work. Loved seeing you even if just for a few minutes at Kristy's wedding. Thanks for being back at blogging - we love hearing about your life and adventures in doing our Father's business.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rachel! That is such a great feeling to have accomplished something huge. I loved seeing you over the holidays, but already miss your smiling face and sweet, gentle spirit. God is continuing to bless you and use you for His kingdom work. Our prayers are with you. Keep in touch. Peggy and Mark

Anonymous said...


So proud to hear you have done so well with your Spanish course. Please continue to keep us on your emailings. We love hearing from you. Hope all is still going well with your plans and studies. Let us know if your have any specific needs. Love in Christ, Dale and Kathy Day, The Potters House, Camdenton, MO

LeeAnn said...

You go girl! How awesome! I am so proud of you....knew you could do it. You can do ALL things through Christ and do EVERYTHING He calls you to. I miss you already!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - God is good and you worked hard!!! Excited about how God is paving the path before you....blessings, Beth Sherman and family

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rachel!!! Muy Buen. Estamos muy contento con tu futuro en espanol. Felizdades. Let us know when you're coming back this way, we'll speak spanish every day. Blessings as you decide your next step. Love Liz, Santos, Hannah & Stella.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,

Congratulations!!! on your language studies. I had no doubt that you would do well with it. Hope you had a nice Christmas and I will keep your Uncle and family in my prayers.
Love you
Donna Willcut

Anonymous said...

Congratulations girl! I am so proud of you!!! It was great to see you at the wedding. Please know that I think of you often ,and you remain in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

Way to go!!!.

Anonymous said...

You are doing such awesome work for the Lord, Rachel. I had no doubt that you would be very successful in learning the language needed for your ministry.
Keep your heart strong. You are in my prayers.

Karen Smith said...

Congratulations Rachel! I am amzaed at how quickly the LORD is equipping you for the work He has planned for you. Jehovah Jireh--aint He good?!!!
Sorry I didn't get to see you over the holidays but I pray for you often. Be blessed, and know you are loved!