Wednesday, January 17, 2007

More Snow Pics!

A Mexican snowman! :) There's usually not much accumulation & the ground is usually not frozen when it snows, so it's hard luck trying to make a snowman! But, there's always a way in Mexico! They gather all the snow from the cars on the street or in driveways into buckets and carry them to where they want to make a snowman. They pack the snow in the bucket, then dump out the formed snow: one big for the body & one little for the head. We then scrounged around for the face - two rocks for eyes, a laundry detergent cap for the nose & a straw for the mouth! A pretty good snowman, I think!
The neighbor kids & I made this one from the snow on my car, a friend's car, and their car.

I walked over to another neighborhood to play with the Davis' kids - the closest missionaries to where I live. The whole family came out & we had a huge snowball fight! It was tons of fun! Their neighbors' kids saw us and they came came out to play too!

Snow accumulation before we scraped the cars!

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