Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Uncle Paul

Two months ago, my uncle found out that he had Stage 4 Brain Cancer and only had a few months to live. Praise the Lord, he realized his need for a Saviour and called out to Christ for salvation that same day! What a miracle salvation is! God takes us as sinners, saves us, and begins to change us & work in us. Since then, my uncle has been very vocal about Christ, telling others in the hospital about what Jesus has done in his life.

He was doing real well, but I got this email from my cousin today... It seems like he may be getting ready to go to his new home: heaven...

I am sorry to write that Dad is not doing well. Overnight he has taken a turn for the worse. He is not eating and has decided to stop the treatments. The tumor has grown despite the radiation and chemo and is putting so much pressure on the brain that dad is having a hard time communicating. The doctors have said the tumor is even more aggressive then they expected and are now hoping to make him as comfortable as possible.
We are so grateful for the support and prayers...It has been a blessing and a source of strength for us as a family to know so many cared. Thank-you...Lori

  • Please pray for my family.
  • Pray that those who know the Lord will grow closer to Him through this difficult time & that those who have not yet accepted their need for salvation would be sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit.
  • Pray for comfort for my uncle & that he might not lose his ability to communicate with his family.
  • Pray for restful sleep.
  • Pray for my uncle & aunt, both Christians, that they might rely on the Lord & remain dependant on Him.
  • Pray that they may be encouraged despite their circumstances.
The following is the story of my uncle's life, highlighting the significant times, written by his daughter Lori.
Paul Bezditny was born December 20, 1943 in Steinbach, Manitoba to Wasel(William) and Mary Bezditny. He grew up in Pansy, Manitoba with his sister, Maryanne(Walter).
Sadly, Mary died of brain tumour in 1970 after a five year battle with the disease.
In May of 1964, Paul married Mary Wall. They had four children...Rick(Rachel), Lori(Claude), Terri(Casey) and Russ(Michelle). Paul and Mary were also blessed with sixteen grandchildren.
Paul’s father, William or Gedie, as he was affectionately known to his grandchildren and great grandchildren, was very strong in his faith. He prayed daily for his family and told them often of his belief in God. In August 2003 Gedie joined his wife in heaven.
Tragically in 2004, Paul’s nephew Matthew, drowned and was taken to be with the Lord. That year Paul and Mary joined Alpha. They enjoyed it and took an interest in a Bible study group at Leonard and Betty Barkman’s.
In August of 2006 Paul began experiencing difficulty walking, complained of pressure in his head and was often dizzy. These symptoms were attributed to a bad knee, diabetes and high blood pressure. On Sunday, November 5th, Paul was taken to St Pierre Hospital because he was unable to walk. His right arm and leg were unresponsive. The hospital sent him to St Boniface where he was admitted for observation. That night a CAT scan revealed Paul had a brain tumour. The next day he was transferred to the Health Science Centre's GA ward. A biopsy was performed and they attempted to remove the tumour at that time. They did what they safely could although removal of the entire tumor was not possible. It would take 10 days for the biopsy results.
Leonard and Betty Barkman and George and Lil Friesen came to see Paul at the hospital and to pray with him. Paul accepted Jesus into his heart. Later that evening Paul dreamt about heaven and it’s great beauty. The dream shifted and Paul found himself in a great storm. The wind blew strongly and debris was scattered. Paul felt angry and anxious and could not regain his earlier peace.
The Barkmans and the Friesens returned to the hospital to pray with Paul and following that session of prayer the peace returned to Paul.
After the surgery to try and remove the tumour, Paul’s right side capabilities worsened and he could not lift his leg at all and had minimal use of his arm. One week from the date of the surgery Paul lay in bed trying desperately to lift his arm and leg and was very depressed at his inability to do and also from the pressure in his head. He felt overwhelmed.
Paul says at this time a voice told him to raise his leg and he tried and his leg went straight up. The voice said lift up your arm and he was able to raise it as well. Paul was overcome with emotion and gratefulness and immediately prayed and thanked Jesus. It was a miracle and he felt he was in Jesus’ hands. Nothing is impossible with God! He knew at that moment that no matter what happened he would not face it alone.
Two days later the biopsy results came back. It was Glioblastoma Multiform-grade four. A most aggressive form of cancer. Radiation and chemotherapy were immediately planned as the next course of action. Though the news was not what he had hoped for Paul was so happy he had accepted Jesus. Paul knows now that all his father William’s and the countless others prayers for his salvation have been answered.
He is so deeply grateful to those people from across the world who have been praying for him since his diagnosis. Words cannot express his gratitude.
At this time, Paul would also like to ask forgiveness to those he has quarrelled with or held grudges against. His heart aches for those he has hurt with either words or actions.
Paul thanks his wife, children and grandchildren for being by his side. He treasures their closeness as family and is comforted by the knowledge that God is amongst us.
Dad has asked me to send this to everyone. Dad has been doing so well he is being allowed to come home from the 22nd till the 26th for Christmas. Mom is busy learning how to give his injections and other meds. We are so excited for Mom & Dad to be with us at home for a time. Hope this find you all well and enjoying the holiday season. Lori

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